Learning is the power, life and happiness

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Application of Bax Normalizations in Saudi Arabia: The how!"

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

     According to Stephan Bax , normalization of CALL is technology being integrated and used routinely.So, it is relevant to any kind of technological revolution and refers to the stage when the technology becomes unseen, embedded in everyday practice and consequently ‘normalized’. Also,it  serves the needs of learners. Bax suggested ways to overcome obstacles that mislead to normalization of CALL. Having technology alone cannot lead to normailzation. There are several factors that we must keep in mind such as teacher's attitude ,technology and software. He proposed agenda for CALL in which technology must be changed in size, shape and position. Teachers /students attitude and curriculum should be also changed. 

  Normalization of CALL is legging behind in Saudi Arabia which can be be reached by: 
1- Equipping schools ,institutions and universities of regular classrooms with laptops with web access and printers.

2- Connecting schools, institutions and universities campuses wirelessly with internet  is really important and a must to do. 

3- Using projectors , smart-boards and the like routinely by teachers in every day classes and not just for language teaching. It should be used invisibly for all courses in order for normalization to take place. For example, in science classes a teacher can use webs that offers real- like experiments and present it by the projector while teaching . A math teacher can also use the smart-board to draw on y and x lines quickly and perfectly. Also, games and activities provided through webs can be used and shown by projecters. 

Projectors and smart-boards being used in class
4- Using Social net working webs, blogs and wikis even e-mails  by both teachers and students as an e- learning support for the classes instead of traditional classes with no technological uses. For example, a teacher can have an account on twitter and asks all the students to do so. Then, she can ask questions and asks students to replay. Another example , a teacher can sends e- mails for all students that includes their homework assignment or the presentation of the previous class.So, Homework assignments are increasingly submitted and returned by email rather than a paper format submission. 
Social net woking webs that can be used

5- Mobile-learning can be used also by teachers and students. Through smart-phones such as blackberries and IPhones which are widely used by adults and teenagers , teachers can suggest to students great applications that support language learning which are really helpful and can help  greatly in the process of normalization. It offers  learners various levels of interactivity that helps students to really use it in their own daily life. Furthermore, a teacher can ask students to create a group in "what's up" that is opened for discussion or ask students to write their assignments via blackberries.

blackberries that are used to do assignments
6-Uploading videos, photos for students will help student greatly. So, a teacher must have a webpage that all of students have access to and upload relevant videos and photos.

7- Using new Ipads with uploaded e-books instead of printed ones can really help in the process of normalization . Since Ipads are really good in shape and size, they can be used by teachers and be given for each student with e- school books (by the government) instead of books. Also,new Softwares can be created to make Ipads works even better and better. 

Ipads being used instead of books
  If all schools, institutions and universities are equipped in Saudi Arabia, teachers are professionals not just trained in technology , and curriculum are modified to suite technology, my country will defiantly reach the level of normalization. So, students will be familiar with technology in every aspect of life. If technology is being used as a facilitator to the teaching/ learning process and works as a bridge-gapping to deliver information easily ,clearly and effectively, the use of computers will be integrated and invisibly used.Then Saudi students will be competitive members of modern society.


  1. THANKS for this nice job and I think that our country has the chance to be more developed if we want that.

  2. Salam Hind, How are you?

    Mashallah,you have wrote very good ideas and referred to many great ways that could really lead our learning process to Normalisation.
    I also want to add a point , that we and the teachers have to be thought such(EDU401), as one of the first steps.

    I really enjoyed reading your post.
    Thanks Hind.



  3. Thank you Nouf and Sondos for your comments .I agree with you Sondos that technology courses should be taught ,that's way I mentioned that courses should be modified to suite technology. These ways of how to use webs, blogs, and the like should be indicatively taught through the modified courses to reach the level of normalization. However, if we took technology courses deductively we will not reach normalization. Because we are teachers we are given this course , as far as students , it does not go that way.

    Thank you ,

  4. Great!!
    Really it is a nice post, thank you Hind....

  5. Amazing post Masha'Allah :D
    Many great ways to reach normalization
    Good Job Hind <3

  6. Nouf and Bashayer thank you for stopping by and giving me your reflections.

  7. FANTABULOUS post, my dear Hind!

    This is exactly what I am requesting my students to do. I bet if Bax has read this, he will know more and more about your context and appreciate your reading his article.:-)
    Well done!
    Dr. Hala
